1. Root Chakra (Red) - This chakra is located at the root of your spine. It is associated with characteristics such as survival, safety, grounding and foundation for living your life.. When this charka is blocked you will feel disconnected and a sense of being insecure.
2. Sacral Chakra (Orange) - This chakra is located two/three inches above your navel. It is associated with characteristics such as emotions, feelings, sexual pleasure, and creativity. When this chakra is blocked you will have trouble expressing your feelings, hold onto anger, have resentment, and issues with money or abundance.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow) - This chakra is located above the sacral chakra at your navel. It is associated with characteristics such as personal power, taking responsibility for one’s life, clarity of judgement, and self-discipline. When this chakra is blocked you will feel imbalance of control and feel you need to keep up appearances, and no sense of self.
4. Heart Chakra (Green) - This chakra is located at your heart. It is associated with characteristics such as love for oneself, compassion, empathy, relationships, forgiveness, and ability to reach peace. When this chakra is blocked you will have trouble loving yourself from a place of authenticity, you will feel you don’t deserve love and don’t receive it easily, and be out of touch due to lack of connection with oneself.
5. Throat Chakra (Light Blue) - This chakra is located at your throat. It is associated with characteristics such as expression, communication, and sense. When this chakra is blocked you will feel that you are not able to speak your truth and feel judged as you are not in alignment with your true self.
6. Third Eye Chakra (Indigo) - This chakra is located on your forehead between your eyebrows. It is associated with characteristics such as intuition, perception of subtle movements of energy, and connection to wisdom/insight. When this chakra is blocked you will only focus on your intellect and reject all spiritual aspects, and you will not trust your intuition you only see physical reality on your life and fear inner wisdom.
7. Crown Chakra (Purple) - This chakra is located at the top of the head. This chakra is associated with characteristics such as consciousness, awareness of wisdom, presence, and realization. When this chakra is blocked you will feel difficulty trusting your path, will often feel depressed, alone, and lack of satisfaction with your life.
Ways to Unblock the Chakras
Yoga: I know you guys knew that one was coming first :) Yoga is also a practice to harness the powers of your chakras. Yoga will center you so that you can be grounded. The breathing through each posture brings awareness to the present moment. Being present will open each chakra from those feelings you WERE feeling as they generally are in the past at that point and it brings you to the now. When you are in the now you are free from everything, free of the past, the future, and judgement. Why do you think dedicated Yogi’s are always so happy? They walk around with their chakras open spreading love and light. It really is euphoric when you can feel that way. I have had issues with my chakras in my past (before yoga), but with yoga I really started opening up more. I used to walk out of yoga on such a high (I say used to because they are closed) and it’s a great feeling to XPERIENCE. One time I walked out of class with my shoes on the wrong feet for blocks and was totally happy and had no clue. :)
Meditation: I am a preacher of this, but I will say it can be hard! Meditation can really calm all the chatter that goes on in the mind (which is all those feelings above). A good way for meditation to work for your chakras is to think of the color associated with the chakra that is bothering you the most and focus on that color only for a certain amount of time. I know mediation is very hard, as I can maybe only do two minutes, but see if you can incorporate a minute into your day.
Change Old Ways: Sometimes it can be as simple as just a little change. Get rid of old habits and create healthier ones. Make small goals for yourself that are going to serve you… baby steps.
Crystals: Each chakra has a color and different types of crystals that pull that energy for you. They are natural energy pulled from the earth to nourish our strengths and gifts. You can wear them as jewelry or keep them in your pocket; it is helpful to carry on your body though. Some will lie down and put the dedicated crystal at the chakra they are trying to unblock to receive the benefits. If you hold the crystal in your left hand as you mediate you will receive the benefits as well.
We are all very different, so you will have to look at each chakra and ask yourself if you are having those feelings. We all have some of these feeling at times in our lives, but we need to unblock so we can live a better life.
notes from online yoga school